2020 - The year of Covid 19

Due to Coronavirus restrictions, the 2020 Thalidomide Memorial Day, marked on the 30th June, was staged wholly online.

The Memorial video looks back at the last four years of annual commemorations and of visits by Thalidomiders and supporters from all over the world.

It culminates with a Roll Call to remember those Thalidomiders, family members and friends who passed away in the twelve months from July 2019 to June 2020.

A number of people have helped us by providing information and details for the video and to them grateful thanks is extended. However, special thanks must go to Cardiff University for allowing us to use their footage of Alexandra Gardens through the seasons; to Harry Freeman for his piece to camera and to James Moriarty-Simmonds for his work on production.

It is an honour to help remember members our global Thalidomide family, and we look forward to continuing this annual commemoration in the years to come.

But for now, some words from the 2020 Memorial Poem - To Remember Is To Care - Lest We Forget, re-emphasises the reason for the Memorial:

“In remembering those, now beyond our reach,
The Memorial stands as symbol to teach,
A unique part of history. No, not the best,
To Remember is to Care, Lest We Forget.”
(© Stephen Simmonds)